Thursday, March 1, 2007

Nix the "N" word

WOW. This is interesting. Okay, so a New York City law has officially been passed that makes it illegal to use the "N" Word. My first thoughts upon hearing this? Nigga please. ((LOL)) The New York city police are gonna have a helluva hard time enforcing this one. But what could be the punishment? Do you have to be a SLAVE for a day? Me personally, I think this was the most ridiculous and pointless law I've ever heard, because no one will EVER stop everyone in New York from dropping the "N" bomb. If you ask me, the Police and other enforcers should be doing something more productive, like... say, catching crackheads, or saving peoples' lives. Anywayz, I hate to spread info without tangible proof, so here's an excerpt from "The Huffington Post":

""People are using it out of context," said Leroy Comrie, a black city councilman who sponsored the unanimously passed measure. "People are also denigrating themselves by using the word, and disrespecting their history."
New York's resolution is not binding and merely calls on residents to stop using the slur. Leaders of the nation's largest city also hope to set an example.
Rudis Mata, 21, of New York said it was pointless to ban the word if city had no plans to enforce it, adding that he thinks it's a violation of free speech.
"I don't necessarily think people should ban the word, but it's a derogatory term and it shouldn't be used," he said. "It's different from other curse words. It has a history."
Other municipalities have already passed similar measures in a debate that rose to a fever pitch late last year after "Seinfeld" actor Michael Richards spewed the word repeatedly at a comedy club in Los Angeles.
At New York's City Hall, supporters cheered passage of the resolution, with many of them wearing pins featuring a single white "N" with a slash through it.
Hip-hop pioneer Kurtis Blow Walker said when the resolution was proposed that blacks needed to stop using the word so "we can elevate our minds to a better future."
Others argue that use of the word by blacks is empowering; that reclaiming a slur and giving it a new meaning takes away its punch. Oscar winner Jamie Foxx, for example, has said that he will not stop using the word and that he does not see anything inappropriate about blacks using it within their own circles.
But in the uproar over Richards' outburst, black leaders including the Rev. Jesse Jackson and California Rep. Maxine Waters said it is impossible to paper over the epithet's origins and ugly history of humiliating blacks. They challenged the public and the entertainment industry to stop using the epithet." Go to the link if you care enough to read the rest of the story.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Jesus is the baby's daddy! (And no, NOT Anna Nicole's baby)

Well. I've been on a little bit of a hiatus, but all is well. And I've RETURNED!! And boy do I have a good one, for you. I'm a gossip whore, yes, it's true. And earlier this morning I stumbled across what is possibly the most epic, reality altering, mind~numbing scandal I've ever heard of. Supposedley, the man we ((most of us)) know and love as Jesus, bless his soul, has a SON. The woman known as Mary Magdalene is widely believed to be the mother of little Judas, Jesus' son. *GASP* And there is to be a discovery channel special airing this sunday about the whole thing. If my information is correct, a tomb has been found, several miles away from where jesus rose from the dead, where they found a little coffin with "Judas, son of Jesus" enscribed on it. Sounds a little sketchy to me. I mean, what are the odds? Regardless, you better fuckin' (<<'scuse me lord) believe that I'm gonna watch that documentary. But anywayz, do y'all realize what this means? Undoubtedley, Jesus could very well have a living decsendant walking around today. A living, breathing holy grail. Gives you the chills, doesn't it? But who in God's name could it be? That little kid with the zits @ the Target checkout counter? Your neighbor across the street? ME? Ooooh lord this is SO exciting!!!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Damn.... I'm CRUSHED....

Well y'all.... i'm rather sad right about now. It seems that my baby daddy, Usher, isn't as gay as I thought. (As IF. The following story I'm about to tell is prolly just a front!) But anywayz, I was informed that Usher Raymond IV proposed to his current-past girlfriend, Tameka Foster, on Valentines day. A date for the wedding has yet to be set. But.... I wonder if Chile knows? And how she feels about the whole situation? But FUCK Chile. What about MY feelings? I'm so devastated. Once Usher hit broadway, I just knew he was gonna come out of the closet. (LOL) But alas, he's still pretending. But that Tameka bitch is SO not right for him. I mean the heffa has three kids, and she's built like an amazon. But hey Ush, whateva floats your boat. I hope you're happy in love. But... speaking of love, there's a song I want you to hear, and it's my new very favorite love song ever. It comes courtesy of a band of nerds who call themselves "Gym Class Heroes". The lead singer is sooooooo fucking HAWT. Oooooooh, yes, he is! And the vid is hilarious and cute. Anywayzm here you are:

"Cupid's Chokehold"

Alicia Keyes, the Frog Princess..

Credible sources sat that Alicia Keys is set on a campaign to land the lead role in Disney's upcoming animated musical, The Frog Princess.
Word is, after AK auditioned she actually called Disney's studio chief, Dick Cook, directly to let him know how much she wanted the gig. "She did it all herself," according to a source close to the studio. "She got one of his personal numbers and just called him up."
Keys is one of many hopefuls being considered to voice Mandy, a young southern girl living in New Orleans during the roaring '20s Jazz Age. "One of the big questions is if Alicia can do a Southern accent, because she has such that New York voice," the source said.
If she lands this role Keys would become the first African American Disney princess. You betta DO it Bitch! (LOL) I hope she waxed her chest hair for her audition.
Other alleged top contenders include Oscar-nominee Jennifer Hudson and her Dreamgirls costar and Tony Award winner Anika Noni Rose. Who do y'all think's gonna get it? I'm thinking the role will go to J~Hud.... but..... none of the other Disney Princesses are chunky.... so who KNOWS who'll get the part?? I hope Alicia does. Hairy though she is.... I STILL love her! (LOL)

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

So much fun....

Don't ask me how I find this shit. Just be glad that I find it, and then bring it back to you. Okay, so you may or may not know that I've been having a bit of a feud with an absurd bitch. (who I won't name right now.) Well, I still have a deep hatred for her, and everything she does. Including her blog. That's when I came across what is now possibly my favorite website of all time. Here's the link to help you "Bust shit up".
All you have to do is type in the url of a webpage that you would like to see destroyed, and then you get to choose HOW you destroy it. You can throw darts at the page, burn it up in flames, send ghosts to haunt it, whack it with a giant hammer, you can do whatever you want to that page. It's so fun that I almost lost control. And it's even MORE fun if you have a particualar malice against the PAGE...... that you're blowing up with ticking timebombs. (LOL) Anywayz, go take out some aggression on your least favorite website, you bipolar whore.



Too much time on his hands...

Okay, Okay, Okay..... so this doesn't exactly qualify as "gossip". But dammit, this is MY muthafuckin' blog and I'll put whatever I WANT on here, shit. (LOL) And if you don't like it, your bitch ass can STEP! (LOL) Okay, but seriously. I came across this wonderful clip of a beatboxing, flute~playing, remixing nerd who has absolutely no life at all, apparently. When I watched it, I was amazed, and shocked, and disturbed, and even a little disgusted all at once. Imagine how much SPIT must be logged in that flute... Ugh. But I digress, Here you go, bitch. The "Inspector Gadget Beat-box remix". Enjoy. Or laugh. Or gag, or do whatever the HELL you want....


Can you tell who this woman is? Because it took me a minute.
...Have you figured it out yet?
....Still haven't? Well i'm impatient, so I'll just enlighten your dumb ass. This, people, is Eddie Murphy's alleged "Baby Momma", Mel B. Talk about SCARY Spice. Ewww. She looks ROUGH. Personally, I never really thought she was pretty. But hey, what can ya say? She must really be going through it. You did know, of course, that Eddie Murphy isn't claiming the baby as his? After seeing this, can you BLAME him?