Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Alicia Keyes, the Frog Princess..

Credible sources sat that Alicia Keys is set on a campaign to land the lead role in Disney's upcoming animated musical, The Frog Princess.
Word is, after AK auditioned she actually called Disney's studio chief, Dick Cook, directly to let him know how much she wanted the gig. "She did it all herself," according to a source close to the studio. "She got one of his personal numbers and just called him up."
Keys is one of many hopefuls being considered to voice Mandy, a young southern girl living in New Orleans during the roaring '20s Jazz Age. "One of the big questions is if Alicia can do a Southern accent, because she has such that New York voice," the source said.
If she lands this role Keys would become the first African American Disney princess. You betta DO it Bitch! (LOL) I hope she waxed her chest hair for her audition.
Other alleged top contenders include Oscar-nominee Jennifer Hudson and her Dreamgirls costar and Tony Award winner Anika Noni Rose. Who do y'all think's gonna get it? I'm thinking the role will go to J~Hud.... but..... none of the other Disney Princesses are chunky.... so who KNOWS who'll get the part?? I hope Alicia does. Hairy though she is.... I STILL love her! (LOL)

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