Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Jesus is the baby's daddy! (And no, NOT Anna Nicole's baby)

Well. I've been on a little bit of a hiatus, but all is well. And I've RETURNED!! And boy do I have a good one, for you. I'm a gossip whore, yes, it's true. And earlier this morning I stumbled across what is possibly the most epic, reality altering, mind~numbing scandal I've ever heard of. Supposedley, the man we ((most of us)) know and love as Jesus, bless his soul, has a SON. The woman known as Mary Magdalene is widely believed to be the mother of little Judas, Jesus' son. *GASP* And there is to be a discovery channel special airing this sunday about the whole thing. If my information is correct, a tomb has been found, several miles away from where jesus rose from the dead, where they found a little coffin with "Judas, son of Jesus" enscribed on it. Sounds a little sketchy to me. I mean, what are the odds? Regardless, you better fuckin' (<<'scuse me lord) believe that I'm gonna watch that documentary. But anywayz, do y'all realize what this means? Undoubtedley, Jesus could very well have a living decsendant walking around today. A living, breathing holy grail. Gives you the chills, doesn't it? But who in God's name could it be? That little kid with the zits @ the Target checkout counter? Your neighbor across the street? ME? Ooooh lord this is SO exciting!!!


Anonymous said...

GeRon, you are so crazy! I heard about this on the news.


~*~Princess Irresistible Deliscious~*~ said...

LOL Hey Erica! How are you? Thanks for coming to the blog, I hope you like it!

Electra (trinidad) said...

Royal T, I dont believe it one bit. Jesus had no son because he had no wife. The Bible never documented anything of the sort. He came to the earth to do God's work.

Oh and I am glad you're back.

The Q © 2010 said...

Jesus was a man. Who knows? And the bible has been altered by man through history.

Hallejulah holla back.